Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The best song ever for today

I'm something of a worship music connoisseur, always looking for new stuff. I never realized this until I went to India last summer and the rest of my travel companions didn't recognize any of the worship music CDs I brought. I dunno what it is, but I can just stay on the internet finding new worship music and new artists and listening to them for hours. Like Psalm 96 says, "Sing to the LORD a new song." Acutally that phrase or a slight variation of it is repeated 6 times in the Bible. Nifty!

Artist of the day: Brian and Jenn Johnson
Song: "A Little Longer"

Well, it says Brian and Jenn but technically it's just Jenn Johnson and her piano. So compelling. It starts somber enough, a minor key and and some wistful vocals. The beginning is okay I guess. But the part where my heart just melts before God is where she transitions, by saying "Then I hear you saying to me...". And the song reveals what it is that God has laid on her heart. Should it be any surprise that this is the most powerful and gripping part of the song?

I want this song to be a picture of my walk with God. You can just feel the intimacy with Him oozing from her voice and from the piano. She knows Him. And He knows her. And they love each other. It's so freeing, too, she doesn't define her walk by the straining or striving or what she does. "You don't have to do a thing, just simply be with me" is what Jesus whispers.

What a mystery it is to be your child, Lord. Help me not to find my identity in doing but in just being. Help me find the time and space to just clear distractions. I want to just be able to sit on Daddy's lap. Just a little longer.

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