Sunday, May 3, 2009

Demographic for revival

Today, 4 out of 5 students who attended church in high school do not attend church in college.

Also, 4 out of 5 students drink alcohol in college. I'm not trying to say that BEER IS THE DEVIL, I acknowledge that there is a healthy way to drink and enjoy the God-created pleasures of alcohol. Problem is, half of college drinkers "engage in heavy episodic consumption," aka binge drinking. Getting wasted. Not something that helps them reflect God's image.

Jimmy, the average All-American boy stepping on campus for the first time this fall, will stop going to church and start going to house parties. That is the general slope of college society today, the path of least resistance.

Has that always been the case? There was a day, when George Washington Carver went to Iowa State University, that half of all the campus was in some sort of Bible study. Half.

That is 1 out of 2.

Fifty percent.

The glass was half full.

It is possible to reclaim and surpass this. I know it is, Lord. Come and shake the earth. Lord, it looks less like leaving the 99 to find the 1 lost sheep, but more like leaving the 1 to find the 99 lost sheep. But it is doable, Lord. You are the God of all of time and space, all statistics and people. You care deeply about each 19 year old kid who is puking on a sidewalk somewhere, simply because that's the way of life he has strolled into.

Half the campus. That's 13,000 souls. It is not too large a thing. The arm of the Lord is not too short to save. Renew it in our day, Lord.
Habbakuk 3:2-LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.

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