Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Explosion

Is Jesus really that good? Could it be possible? RESOUNDING YES.

Jesus, look what happened at our Easter celebration. The Freshmen Group Easter experience was pretty cool, you really showed up. I had a lot of harebrained ideas cooked up, and the amazing co-workers that you blessed me with let me try and follow through with them.

First off, God, you showed up in the Xenos performance. It was amazing to see over 20 students, 90% of them Asian, doing a dance routine to Holy hip-hop. I know some of them don't even follow you yet, and they were helping us to celebrate your resurrection. It was really cool, Lord, I know your kingdom is going to have lots of dancing going on.

And Jesus, thank you for showing up in the worship music. I was scared, everyone was out of town and we didn't have a drummer, but in the end it didn't even really matter. We were able to sing the desires of our hearts to you.

Lord, thank you for carrying me through the message. Lord I thank you for the words that you passed over my tongue. May anything I said that was not of you be forgotten already, and may the things that were of you penetrate into the deepest places.

God, thank you for using the coconut. It's such a striking picture of your death, burial, and resurrection. Lord I could tell you were using it to speak to people. Thank you for B&L who taught it to me, and your followers across India who use it to draw near to your heart. And God, thank you for keeping me from hurting myself with the hammer, I know it would have been pretty gripping if I had a bloody thumb to help people enter in to your crucifixion, but I thank you that it still worked.

Jesus I could tell that you were really drawing near to people in the communion time. Wow. Now that I think about it, I didn't actually get a chance to partake of it. Hmm. Well Jesus, you still were working in everyone there, and me for sure, so I thank you for that.

Lord, the cardboard boxes were amazing. What a passionate picture of the way that we raise from the grave alongside you. God I pray that people were touched by it.

God, you are amazing. That's all I can say. Look what you did. Thank you for helping me from getting in the way. I loooooooove you, Jesus.

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