Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And the Lord spoke in a [digital clock] {still small voice}

God speaks to me in digital clocks.

Okay that probably sounds ridiculous, but before you haul me off to the loony bin, let me explain. I'm a bit of a "numbers" guy, I like math and know some Biblical imagery associated with numbers. So it would mostly make sense that God would use the numbers on a digital clock to speak to me.

How it usually happens is that something really cool is happening, for instance, praying with a friend and speaking encouragement to him, or the phone rings from that one person I just needed to talk to, or I'm perplexed about something and finally feel like I'm receiving the courage to go a certain direction with it. Then, a glance clockward. Quick, not premeditated. Just in the flow of the events. And the clock says?


This happened incredibly often for awhile, especially last fall. Could be AM or PM, they were equally frequent. The simple one-two-three-four that let me know things are in order, God is in control, our loving Lord is sovereign over all. And after that glance I continue doing whatever awesome thing I was doing, but probably with a huge smile and renewed vigor and a heart rejoicing in the Lord.

It was crazy how often this was happening. And it wasn't always 12:34, if I saw a 3:21 it would also bring the same joy, just 12:34 was the most common. Then gradually, I was seeing 2:34 all over the place. Yes, I was staying up past 2:30a more than I should have, which was definitely part of it. But it still seemed cool, just missing that one on the front.

The funny part is that this also mirrored my real life. I was working a lot to serve the Lord, but I had lost that first love for Him. He wasn't number one in my life. As ridiculous as it sounds, this all got restored in a huge way when I went to the OneThing Conference in Kansas City (you just can't make up stuff like this). The "1" that had fallen off my clock was addressed full on with a 4 day getaway that was ALL about falling more in love with Jesus. It was glorious, encountering Him in such a real way that He again became my one thing, my first desire.

And so what did I see on clocks everywhere for the next couple months after this conference, when He was restored as number 1 in my life?


True story.

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