Wednesday, January 14, 2009

God is a verb

I've been reading The Shack, just like every other good christian out there. Okay, except the christians who like Mark Driscoll, because he says the book is a heresy known as modalism. People have been pretty divided and extreme on this book, some saying this is our generation's Pilgrim's Progress, others saying that you shouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. As is the case many times when both sides are saying that, neither extreme case is right. The book is decent. Has some teachable moments. Isn't going to reshape a generation and bring revival to all those who read it, touch it, or are breathed on by someone who read it or touched it.

I'll make a comment here, but I won't ruin the premise of the book for you, you might as well give it a read since there's been some hub-bub. I've been reading it slow, it's about the 4th book on my list right now. That means I have a bookmark in 3 others that are better, and only if I'm in a dry part in those will I actually reach for The Shack. But it's a decent read.

All that being said, last night I finally got to the part that was worth the price of the book altogether. Wanna hear it?

GOD is a VERB.

I was and I am and I will be.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
I am LOVE.

It's all over Scripture. God is a verb. I'm still digesting that comment, but it's so true and applicable that I'm blurting it out.

I'm thinking about the creation story, and how God started with light.
Light is a verb too, I think. A wave, anyway.
And when God did make nouns, lots of nouns, they still needed the verb, the action, the GOD that flows through them and in them. And so the stars dance and the sun spins and the moon orbits. They all have that verb flowing through them, that God-ness in them, His Fingerprints.

Another place it shows up: in ancient Hebrew, the words for work and for worship were basically one and the same. Enter into His presence and lift up His Name by doing, moving, singing, clapping. And go out and keep his name glorious by doing something useful with your hands

Okay, enough abstraction for now. I need to go be an imitator of God and verb some myself.

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