Saturday, August 8, 2009

Probably the coolest thing in history

Hello blogging world. I have taken a couple month break, but I'm back and I'll try and stay back for a while. I mostly posted on this blog before when I was either procrastinating from college homework or working overnights at my hotel job. Now I neither have college homework nor an overnight front desk job. So I'll have to find a new rhythm.

And now, to revive this blog to life, I will post about:

Go there. And watch the ticker and the map. You will see certain cities across the globe highlighted, switching from city to city about every minute. What is happening on is this: They are presenting the gospel to people in several interactive steps. Then they are leading people through a prayer for Jesus to cleanse them of their sins and lead them into the family of God. Then, if people pray this prayer, they show up on the ticker. The website reads the IP address of the computer and then the city pops up on the map. On average, someone comes to Christ through this website about every minute.

AS I WAS TYPING THAT LAST PARAGRAPH: Six people came to Christ through this website. Six. They are from: China, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela, and France. Oooh, there's another one: TURKEY! Praise God. Yesterday there were 1,946 people who clicked that YES, they prayed to become a Christ Follower!

Now, there's no way to be sure if people aren't just clicking through the steps and saying "yes" just for fun or without their hearts being fully in it. You can read through the FAQs to see just how it works. But still, isn't it cool to have the heavenly view on things? Constant parties in heaven, almost. The angels get to see this unfold, and have a toast with the Lamb Who Was Slain about every minute. Wow.

Oooh: decisions in Ireland, Turkey, and Peru. All these Latin American countries, that's pretty neat. United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Praise God! Are those countries even open to the gospel? This is incredible!

Lord, I praise you for the eternal work you are doing around the globe at this very second! You are so good, God! May we continue to serve you with our technology to your glorious purposes!